Blog Post
Owning or renting: which is actually a better strategy during inflationary times? With inflation climbing, you should consider all the factors associated with buying property as you navigate the CRE market. Read more as we delve into this issue. In an attempt to curb inflation, the Federal Reserve...
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As of May 2022, annual inflation hit 8.6%, and the Fed hiked interest rates by .75%, begging questions about the future of CRE and equipment loans. Find out more as we pick apart CRE loans, diving into what business leaders across all branches of industry need to know moving forward. For those...
Blog Post
Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Investments to Be Fueled by the 2021 Infrastructure Bill? With the inception of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, (IIJA) in November 2021, many manufacturing executives are already taking this opportunity to increase operational efficiency by investing in the...
Blog Post
American farmers contribute significantly to the overall US GDP annually and figures in this regard highlight just how significant their services are. The last two years, in particular, have seen significant growth as farmers have looked to expand. With this level of growth, however, comes more...
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American truckers have, for too long, had to handle crumbling infrastructure while working tirelessly to complete their routes. In November, the White House and Congress finally took action to rectify these conditions by signing the mega-bill Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law...
Blog Post
The recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has brought a sigh of relief to anyone involved in the construction industry. Over the last two year, this industry has been plagued by Covid strains, labor shortages, and a turbulent geopolitical landscape—all of which leave their...
Blog Post
As an employer, attracting and retaining talent is challenging as you work to drive your business forward. The workforce continues to be compressed, which only intensifies the need to stand out amongst other employers in your industry. This might include additional PTO, assistance programs, health...
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The farm labor shortage, soaring fertilizer prices, and increasing inflation can easily put a damper on what otherwise should be a favorable time for agriculture. While the effects of these price fluctuations can be mitigated, doing so requires careful planning and preparation. The farming industry...
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Recruiting and retaining top talent can be challenging. Providing a structured retirement plan is important, but a plan without education tends to not meet the needs of your employees, while one that does include education helps instill financial confidence in their future. A recent study* shows...
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With more than an estimated 200,000 jobs to fill (and more to come), nursing home and ALC staff have every opportunity at their disposal to find a new position. Almost every operator you speak with will tell you recruitment and retention is one of their biggest challenges in today’s labor market, if...
Blog Post
Is just-in-time manufacturing entirely to blame for the shipping crisis and ongoing supply chain issues? Experts seem torn on the matter. Ailing after World War II, Japan set its sights on rebuilding its industry sector with some help from its friends in the West. For the next 30 years, they...
Blog Post
With the Biden Administration’s recently signed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) coming into law, $1.2 trillion will find its way into many new projects over the next several years. While infrastructure investments won't happen overnight, congressional task forces are hearing bids to...